Highly-Effective Online Depression Therapy for Adults

Therapy for Depression

The tiredness, feeling like you are never rested enough. Day to day tasks or simple changes in your schedule can overwhelm you to the point of tears or anger. Your mind seems to be constantly filled with worries or to do lists. There are people out there who can push aside the exhaustion, hide the sadness, and keep going. Maybe you are one of them. But at what cost?

Isn’t it time to reclaim your joy? Time to cherish moments with loved ones, rediscover the pleasure of hobbies, and face life’s stressors with grace and resiliency. I understand the immense effort it takes to appear “okay.” Let’s put that effort in to healing.

 Together, we can unravel the narratives that play in your head and explore ways to be kinder to yourself (i.e. something that is easy to say and hard to do). Then we work together to find healthy ways to cope, search for alternatives to those pesky thoughts in our head, and place boundaries.  A more fulfilling life is possible, let us discover it together.

Depression In Mothers

Mom guilt. If you are a mom, you know what I am talking about. Have you ever considered what is underneath it all? It often stems from the expectations we place on ourselves, as well as the expectations society and others impose on us. The pressure to perform and meet those expectations can be overwhelming, especially when they are combined with the “shoulds” in our heads and the endless tasks that come with being a mother. Motherhood brings about profound change to every aspect of a woman’s physical, mental, and social identity. It is no wonder that low points occur. The cycle I often see is in circular pattern of guilt followed by overcompensation and then exhaustion, sadness and anger. Let us work together to challenge some toxic assumptions about mothering and create a space to handle the big emotions and challenges that come with becoming a mother.

The toxic circle keeps mothers exhausted and sometimes angry. Let’s learn to break the cycle.

Depression in Asian American Immigrants

I often think of masking, appearing happy and content in front of the community, but struggling with managing anger within the home. It can be draining to constantly maintain the appearance of happiness. You may also believe that keeping busy and staying productive will keep the sadness away. However, that just depletes you further. You may believe material success equates happiness, but somehow you haven’t found that. If you're ready to explore alternative approaches, I encourage you to consider clicking on the free consultation button. What do you have to lose?

Impacts of Depression

Depression shows up in many different ways. These are some things you should look out for when you start feeling down:

  • irritability

  • exhaustion

  • difficulty getting things done

  • being easily overwhelmed

  • sleep issues

  • feeling tearful

  • feeling like life has no joy

  • over eating/under eating

If any of these resonate with you and you are concerned about your sadness or depression getting out of control, contact me and let’s figure it out together.

Get help with depression counseling with Hope From Therapy.

During this journey of overcoming depression, it's crucial to allocate reasonable time for self-care and the development of coping skills. It's important to acknowledge that the steps involved in the healing process may not be easy. However, please know that I will be there with you every step of the way, providing support and encouragement. Just as  physical therapy for a broken bone isn’t always easy, but necessary for full recovery; so are the initial steps for healing through this depressive episode. 

Convenient Online Therapy for Residents of over 40 States.

Move beyond your tendency to run from what’s uncomfortable. Get help setting goals, stay focused on tasks even when they’re scary, and start living your life on your terms.

Maybe you have some concerns that therapy won’t work for you.  However, if there is a small part of you that is curious and open to the possibility of thriving, consider calling for your no-obligation, free 15-minute consultation call to discuss.

Contact Hope From Therapy today.
